Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hulton Bridge Plans

This was originally wrote by myself today, though it was on the yourtwinboros website and it was asking people their comments/suggestions about the Hulton bridge and what they should do; when I had this idea in my head.

Look the "Rebuild" of the bridge is LONG overdue and whatever they decided to do is Evolution and needs to happen. Instead of screwing up properties on Hulton Road or confusing traffic by putting it closer to Harmar; my original idea was to put it on the long negotiated Edgewater Property. But then I thought, what a solution it would be if they put it down on the Oakmont/Verona border on Verona's "landfill" where all those junk cars and other junk yard stuff is. It would be a perfect way to clean up Verona's entrance and Oakmont's back door. Not only would it look cleaner, but then they would have enough room to do whatever they wanted, 4-Lane bridge, 6-Lane bridge; whatever they wanted to do. Then it would span across the river (of course) and end up on a open area of ground where NO buildings or houses occupy. This way also, if traffic needed to go to Verona but not Oakmont, it would cut down on the traffic through Oakmont, totally ridding unneeded congestion that my idea would totally eliminate. But don't totally destroy the Hulton bridge, shrink it down to a 1-Lane bridge and two sidewalk sides to make a emergency bridge. Put a automatic gate on both sides for emergency vehicles (i.e. Ambulances) We all know how difficult it is for any ambulance to get across the river without putting others at risk. We could keep this 1-Lane bridge up for that reason and put two sidewalks on both sides for people that still want to walk across. This way emergency vehicles won't screw up traffic the short minute it takes to weave around the other traffic and the patients can get to hospital faster. Well thats just my idea. But PENNDOT def think about putting it in Verona/Oakmont Border.

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