Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Citizens Police Review Board

Precursor: So its been awhile since I last wrote, I think it was September of 09. There has been a lot that has been going on and one thing in particular that I want to get started around here.

There has been times and times again were police have gotten out of control, harassing, abusing, threatening, "pick and choosing", falsifying evidence to its citizens, suspects and victims over and over, and when these people try to file complaints against the police, who do they have to turn to? You can't go to the Police Chief, because he supports his officers in everything they do. You definitely can't file complaints against them, if your possibly involved in a crime, because now it just looks like your trying to get out of it by blaming the officers. So who do you have? Sure, if your city or town has its own review board, you could file with them; but let's face it, I'm in Pittsburgh, only big cities seem to have Police Review Boards (PRB) or Internal Affairs/Investigations (IA).

The city of Pittsburgh has a Citizens Review Board for police officers that are corrupt or go past their ideals of "serve and protect". The thing is it is only for the officers of the City.

Let's say a Penn Hills cop threatens you, he clearly and, so that everyone around you hears correctly, says "if you attempt to leave, I'm going to break your arms and legs." That right there, regardless of what YOU did, is a Terroristic Threat, which is a Felony in the State of Pennsylvania. He could face jail time in federal prison, definitely lose his job or be forced to pay settlements in court for his actions.

Now any normal city and/or town, would go crazy if they knew one of their officers did something to a citizen and.. now could possibly be in a court situation of their own. The local towns around here [or anywhere money is strapped] frown upon this sort of thing, usually these people sue cops for big money, in the hundreds or millions of dollars. Small towns don't have the money for normal projects let alone throwing away money for some dumb actions of the police.

This is why, I think there should be a organization to investigate the actions of the police involving crimes against citizens. Just like the review board of Pittsburgh, mine (eventually all) will have investigation powers, have the right to subpoena witnesses and officers involved in the matter, and if need be push the effort to a Public Hearing where the PRB and it's members will hear the complaint, at a public location at an appointed and advertised time. At the Public Hearing, witnesses will be called to give testimony and evidence will be presented. The PRB hearing the evidence will deliberate and determine if the facts of the case demonstrate that the alleged misconduct was more likely to have happened than not, and render a finding.

If PRB finds that misconduct likely occurred, they will inform the Chief of Police and the Mayor of that towns' officer(s) in question. PRB will also make recommendations of discipline, training, systemic changes, policy or procedural changes or any recommendation intended to prevent future occurrences of similar misconduct and designed to promote better relations between the community and police.

This is a good idea, not just for the citizens but also for the police. Wouldn't you (as a Chief or Mayor) rather have the person filing the complaints talk to someone first about the problem rather than filing charges or even more filing a lawsuit against your officers, costing the town thousands or more of tax payer dollars? This way instead of the whole department getting sued, not just one of the rogue officers gets terminated, suspended or required to take sensitivity training. My PRB wouldn't cost the town ANY money what-so-ever. It would be just like Pittsburgh's, a volunteer position of upstanding, educated, law abiding citizens that know that sometimes the power goes to [their] heads and creates a problem for the community.

By all means, I like "most" police officers, my dad a retired one is someone I can model to the good cops in the U.S.A. I don't have a problem with police, only the ones who think they are more powerful then god, and with their badge and gun grants them immunity from their actions against the citizens they swore to protect.